Schedule a 2nd cesarean or try a VBAC?

Amber Skye • Wife + Mama to 2 under 2 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I was in labor for several days with my first baby until finally going to the hospital around 3 AM on Jan. 31st of 2018. They began inducing me bc even though I was having contractions, I wasn’t dilating or effaced. Almost 24 hours being on an epidural, they finally told me to push. 4 hours later, my doctor told me her head was too big and there was still a long way to go, so I begged for a Cesarean and that’s what I got, she was born Feb. 1st at 1:52 AM.

Flash forward to March of 2019 and I’m about to have my second child, a son this time. I had planned this whole time to schedule a cesarean, though now that time is running out, I’m seriously considering attempting a vaginal birth. I’ve always wanted to be able to deliver naturally and yesterday at the hospital I found out I’m already 50% effaced, meaning my body is progressing for childbirth more with my son than it ever did naturally with my daughter.

I don’t know anything about a VBAC so I’m hoping you ladies have some words of advice.