Does he like me . Does he like me not . What do I do ?

Okay so i currently started working at a marketing office. I’m currently my bosses admin. I think my boss likes me (he’s 23 I’m 21) . I used to be a rep but the top owner was trying to get him to fire me but he moved me to his admin so I feel like he cares about me enough to save me by placing me in a different position where I wouldn’t get fired . He compliments my attire sometimes and we’ve had some 1 min silent stares . I feel the attraction energy there and I confronted him about cuz his roommate told me he likes me but he told me those were lies. He said at first he did say he found me attractive but he doesn’t see me as more than just his admin. Idk what to do cuz he keeps insinuating like he likes me and tends to get jealous if another guy flirts with me but he says he doesn’t like me . Any advice?