24 and getting divorced... Sorry its long...

Zani • Mommie to a beautiful baby girl!!!

All I asked was for him to get help... But to him getting divorced is the easier option than seeking therapy.... I have consumed my life with this man I have given him everything I've had! The worst part is I still love him or maybe im in love with who he used to be. Idfk but I left him so we can work on us individually I need to build myself back up and he needed to seek counseling he is so angry from his family hurting him to us losing our first born at 21 weeks then months later he loss one of his best friends to suicide... He never really dealt with his issues and because of this I was left to pick up the pieces of him. We have a 6 month old and its gotten way out of hand. When I was 7 months pregnant with her he punched our windshield and shattered it we were on our way home and he was very much drunk, in September of 2015 I went into preterm labor at 21 weeks our little boy didnt make it.. Less than 2 months later he demolished our 40 inch with his fist and tried to kill his self. He was drunk. I called the police and he was taken to the hospital to be treated. He was so angry at me because I called he didn't even want to see me. I go home not even 6 weeks pp to scrub the blood out of our carpet while he was admitted to a mental institute. I stayed by him and begged for him to get help and he didn't... In November he moved out of state for a promotion and I stayed behind with our 2 month old and things were hard but me and LO made it thru with her having GURD and me trying to work full time and pack up a house to move 2 states away. He didnt come home to help me pack and he didnt come home to help me drive... He was to busy with work. Well when the LO and I made it down there he was more angry than when we left and it got to a point where he flipped our coffee table while our baby was sleeping on the couch! In January I finally had enough and told him I was going to move back home while he takes time to work on himself and get help from the VA. I made it very clear once he seeks help we would come home but like 2 weeks later we get into an argument and he tells me I abandon him, I wasnt loyal, I left when he needed me the most, and I was bogus for what I did.. Mind you I left for our child I left because she doesnt need to be raised in a toxic environment like we were. He didn't want to get help. Somehow this is all my fault.... His mom text me saying how its nice to know I don't care about his well being or that I never cared in the first place.... She tells me I wish he would have pushed you away before the wedding and before my grandchild was concieved. He then goes on fb and changes his relationship status to seperated... Petty af. I have given him 6 years as of today and this is how im treated after 2 kids and a almost 4 year marriage.... Sorry this is so long but I just need to vent. I'm not perfect I dont try to be I have plenty of flaws but I can admit them I am working on myself to fix them... I dont want a divorce I dont want to go through this. I hate how much I have given him. I hate how much I am still trying to hold on! He was the love of my life and now he's a complete stranger.... 💔