Stressed, confused, maybe excited?


So I’m currently a mother of a 9 going on 10 month old. Last month I only had protective sex with my husband once and I should have started my period at the end of February beginning of March. I’m now 6 days late. I’ve been breastfeeding and I went 6 months without having a period after giving birth to my daughter. December I just started to get a period again. I’m thinking it’s normal to have a very irregular period with breastfeeding. Is it common to have one come and go while breastfeeding? I’m nervous that I may be pregnant again but I don’t feel any symptoms at all nor any signs of a period coming other than always feeling exhausted lately and lightheaded. What y’all think 🤔 I wouldn’t mind another baby but I’m scared it may be too soon to have another not even a year after having my first baby and my body not fully be recovered? (My pregnancy/ delivery with my daughter was pretty rough) Thinking I’ll go into my clinic to get a test done today. Either way positive or negative I’ll be happy. I’m just trying to understand if a period coming and going while breastfeeding is normal and if I’m stressing for no reason. Lol the unknown is frustrating!