A little update for everyone!! I’m always posting, sorry if you’re sick of me but bitch I have no one to vent to and this app helps me out okay :)

🌸 • 🦋🌸😚

I posted about a possible pregnancy on March 5th and it’s only been 2 days. I have actually throw up and I am nauseous 24/7 I feel like shit and my headaches it getting worse. I have been experiencing literally pregnancy symptoms and it’s so annoying. I have been trying to ignore the symptoms so they can go away and I can move on with my life. I have had a pregnancy scare before but it is nothing compared to this. I am waiting a few weeks to take another test and then by the time of that it will be a month later into April, I have an appointment to see my gyno and talk about birth control already lol. I just feel so uncomfortable and not myself, idk what’s going on. My friends don’t think I’m pregnant but I don’t know what to think all I can do is wait a while to see if this gets worse or goes away completely :)

Also I forgot to mention that I had a vivid dream of me taking a pregnancy test at a party (I never leave the house so that didn’t seem real). I took the pregnancy test and it was a BIG FAT POSITIVE and I waited a few days to confirm, yup I was carrying a freaking baby. I packed all my shit up and took the fastest plane over to Colorado. I later on had the baby and it was a girl and I named her violet, I raised her all on my own and I watched her grow up and my dream ended... I woke up sweating so bad I felt so sick and weird and I haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since. I’m not sure if this means anything or it’s just my self conscious telling me something 😅👀