Advice please

So back story, my s/o and i have been together for almost three years. We have a one year old together. Some days we are great and then there are days when we are bad. I do everything i can to make him happy. I just don't feel like its a mutual thing anymore..

It has gotten to the point that some days when we argue, he gets pissed at what i have to say. He'll say shit like "nope the conversations over" . . "don't care". . "ots a dead issue". . and all im trying to do is calmly discuss what we are disagreeing about from my side and come up with a mutual agreement and meet in the middle.

It has gotten to the point to where my body gets shakey and i get sick to my stomach if i know what i have to say will make him mad. .

I feel like he knows by starting an argument, he can get his way. . i just don't know anymore.