Embarrassed to leave...

I have been with bf for 2 years. Before him I was with a shitty guy. Well I went out to dinner with my sister a few weekends ago. We get talking about that ex and how they would hurt (typical sister talk) my bf if he hurt me and I just went on about how my bf was a great guy who would never do anything to hurt me.

...I was wrong...

We got into a huge arguement he pushed me and threw something at me that hit my rib. Well I got so mad I tried to leave but he wouldn't let me. He eventually tackled me to the ground and since I was in an abusive relationship before I started crying and freaking out. He put his hand over my mouth and in the process made my nose bleed. He let's me up and apologizes for getting mad. He apologizes more and starts to panick a little when he sees I'm bleeding but more concerned that I'm bleeding all over the carpet. He helps me to the bathroom. I wash my hands and nose then lay in bed and continue to cry. He comes in and apologizes more and tries to cheer me up. He sucks my nipples and takes my clothes off. I didn't really want to but get into sex a little bit. As soon as he finishes my legs start to shake, I get up and clean myself off and go back to bed.

I have nothing. No job, no money. I could stay with one of my sisters or my father til I can get back on my feet but I have done that before. I moved to a new city with a guy and he broke up with me and I had nothing and no one in that town so my sister let me move in with her. I'm embarrassed to do it again but honestly just want to be alone. I dont want to date him or anyone else. I thought he was the one, my soulmate but I was wrong. I need courage to leave.