Is a person who goes to work to make money better than someome with their own business??

I'm hurt. To the core gutted.

I run my own business. I'm a housekeeper. I work hard, I have rave reviews, I do amazing work for my clients, and while the winter is rather slow, once spring and summer get here, business will pick up and I'll make a lot of money.

I don't usually work more than 6 hours a day. But those 6 hours I work non stop. So, no break, and often times the clients aren't always very clean.

My SO works 3 days a week with a rotating schedule. 3 one week, 4 the next. Often times never a full shift. Last week he only worked 23 hours, all because he just didn't want to work. His cheque for 2 weeks is less than a week of pay for me.

We had a fight because this fool seriously sleeps 12-17 hours a day when hes off. This means we don't see one another except for the hour in passing from when he wakes to when I sleep. Its quite depressing and lonely.

Most nights I sleep 5 hours because I stay awake to talk to him on his breaks at work. I do not complain.

But he told me he sleeps so much because he works so hard and I don't. Because he has an actual job.

I'm pregnant. Most of my clients are less than clean (which is why they hired me, I'm not complaining). I work non stop.

He builds boxes and puts those empty boxes on carts. He spends most days joking around because his job is relaxed and all about a fun environment. He usually posts videos to Snapchat of people goofing off.

I do not discredit his job. I don't care.

But to be told by him, that what I do is so inferior to his job because I don't have a 9-5, it really hurt.

And he told me I'm pathetic and over dramatic for feeling this way and that I need to get over it and find a real job.

These are before and after pics of a clients bathroom I cleaned today.

In the time I spent there, I made more than he will make in his shift at work.

Is what I do really that unimportant?? Do I not count because I don't have a typical job?? Am I pathetic and over dramatic for feeling this way??