Sweet sweet hubby 😭


Last night my husband and I were snuggling in bed before we went to sleep. He laid his hand on my little belly (only 17w 1d) and started talking to our baby. He kept saying how they’re going to be so cute, that he loves them so much, and how excited he’s getting to be his/her daddy. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones or what but this first time mama BAWLED. I’m 23 and my husband turns 25 this weekend. We’ve been married just over 6 months and baby is expected right around our first anniversary. He wanted to wait a few more years to start trying so we could “just enjoy being married,” but this little babe decided now was the time. I was so scared that my husband wouldn’t be excited about becoming a dad so young and this quickly into our marriage, but hearing him whispering to that baby last night was everything I’ve been needing to hear. This man can drive me crazy, but he constantly amazes me!