Return to work after #2 arrives..?

I’m so torn about what to do after baby # 2 arrives. First is 2 yrs old. I can’t bear the thought of going back to work (especially at 12 weeks PP, which is what I’ll get, unpaid), and leaving my two babes to work at a job where I don’t earn much and I’m not passionate about it. Hubby earns most of our household income but we still need my income to break even on expenses. What I really want to do is start my own business (which would still mean time away from my kids but at least it would feel worth it). But I’ve run the numbers and there’s no way I can make enough starting out to equal the income I’d lose if I quit my job. Any thoughts or advice? Baby number 2 is putting me in existential crisis mode... is this the wrong time for a big change? Has anyone done something similar and been able to cut expenses enough to make it work? Thoughts welcome.