Vaginal irritation


So the past couple days it feels like a yeast infection is brewing & then started to feel like a uti with slight burnin when I pee. It more so is when I go to wipe my vagina feels like it’s swollen. So I took a diflucan that I have on hand just in case it was a yeast infection starting. Hasn’t seemed to help. Today I went to the dr. To get checked out and she took a urine sample and did a swab to see if it was either. Urine came back negative for uti & my vaginal swab was negative for yeast. She did say I had a little over growth of the good bacteria but my ph levels were fine. I also take a probiotic to help keep my gut flow steady. Dr. Said she would send my urine off to be tested just in case but said it’s probably just a change in hormones with being pregnant. Has any of you ladies experienced something like this? Just don’t get how I have these symptoms & everything is negative.