How do I keep the hope alive 😭


It’s been a year since we’ve started trying to get pregnant. I’m currently 6 days late, which isn’t a surprise at all because I’m literally never on time when it comes to my period. I’m honestly not even sure if I ovulate anymore. I’m 22 years old so I don’t understand what’s wrong with me. I have looked into some places about getting help to see if I’m even able to have children but it’s really expensive when you don’t have insurance. I’ve wanted to become a mommy since I knew what it meant to be a mommy as a little kid. My SO told me the other night how he wants to have a baby and he never does that. I’m really confused, and I just wish it was my time already..

does anyone have any advice?? Or has anyone dealt with similar things.. I’m starting to lose my mind. I even have panic attacks sometimes because it gets too bad. I want children so badly and I don’t know what I’ll do if that isn’t in the cards for me😭❤️💔