Spinal leak after spinal tap or epidural

Kylie • Momma of 3

I so WISH I had read about the possibility of this beforehand but I had never seen one post at all and had no clue what to watch for so I am posting to warn you ladies! I had my son on Wednesday at 36w 3d and he was breech so sadly I couldn’t have the natural birth I wanted and I had to have an emergency csection because of my water breaking. As if I wasn’t already nervous to be cut they told me I had to get a spinal block. So I have the csection they say everything goes beautifully I lost minimal blood, my incision is beautifully done. It wasn’t until about 15 hours after I started to get a headache which is strange for me anyways as I never get headaches like maybe 1 in five years. So I mention it to nurse and she brushes it off which I understand because duh your head hurts you have 0 sleep was just gutted and now have a new baby who cries loud😂 well every hour it got stronger and stronger fast forward to 36 hours after birth, I can’t open my eyes my neck is so stiff I can’t sit up / roll over/ turn it NOTHING. I rate my pain a 10 as I’m bawling in tears. They give me morphine and I passed out for 4 hours. Woke up and felt paralyzed in pain. I tell the nurse it feels like I’m dying something isn’t right. They brush it off “your vitals are good I’m sorry try to rest a little more” (my babies glucose was low so we had an extended stay) . Then finally almost 40 hours after the spinal my dr OB comes in to check on me I am still hunched over in pain with no lights on crying trying to feed my baby and he instantly asks “does your head hurt Kylie? What’s wrong” so I say YES! I feel like I’m dying I don’t know why I can’t open my eyes. He says instantly call the nurse, she comes in he says “call anesthesia NOW” he bent down rubbed my leg and explained to me I had a spinal headache that was caused by my spinal leaving a hole and my spinal fluid leaking out and not holding and pressure in my spine which would need another spinal tap with a blood patch to fix it , the anesthesiologist was not happy and acted like he couldn’t have done something wrong and told my dr he would do the blood patch to prove it isn’t a spinal headache because he didn’t think it would work to take my symptoms away. They prep me for another spinal tap, draw a large vial of blood to use for the patch and he performs the procedure in my room. Let me tell you, INSTANT RELIEF. All of my symptoms disappeared. They then gave me a shot of phenergan and I passed out instantly. My mom and wife had to breastfeed my son on my unconscious body for 5 hours . I woke up feeling like a new person but the reason I’m posting is I had 5 healthcare professionals in my room ATLEAST before my dr got there and not one took me serious enough to investigate the cause, not one sent anesthesia to come check it out or anything . If my dr wasn’t so sweet and coming back for the 3rd time since my csection to see baby and check on me I probably would have had to go home with that pain and untreated it can take WEEKS to clot and resolve itself . So ladies! Watch out for stiff neck headache that lessens when laying flat, sore eyes , sensitive ears, fan sound in ears or anything abnormal for you! Don’t be afraid to ask for your dr or another opinion! I was suffering missing time with my newborn for no reason! I hope this post helps atleast one person or even just gives you a heads up because I’d have loved to know before I allowed myself to suffer so long 💙 && here are some pictures of my precious baby during my csection!