Could he be my soulmate??

Okay, so I have this long distance friend named Cameron. We have been friends for over 4 years now (he was 14 and I was 13 when we met on Omegle of all places 🤦🏻‍♀️) and honestly I am completely in love with him. I don’t know how to explain it other than I have always felt this intense emotional connection to him. I mean yes I think he’s hot, but it is soooo much more than that.

It’s like... any time I need advice, he is always there. We talk about anything and everything and never get bored. His smile, his laugh, just hearing him talk... it makes me so happy. His sense of humor drives me wild in the best way possible, hell we even share the same political views right down to the T (and we don’t really conform to a particular party, it’s more just like morals and personal beliefs).

Last night I was at my sister’s apartment helping her unpack her things and he sent me a Snapchat asking me what I was doing, so I told him and he was like “oh I was gonna FaceTime you”. So I told him he could and he did. We only talked for like an hour (usually our FaceTimes are several hours) but it was already late and as someone that’s in the Army, he has to be up early in the mornings for work. But he joked with my sister and I while we were unpacking and he was playing video games.

Maybe I’m psyching myself out, but I SWEAR he was looking at me different last night. He just had this cute little smile and he seemed so happy to be able to talk to me. It always makes me feel good when someone is happy to talk to me but I genuinely feel as if Cameron is my soulmate in all the best ways.

I can picture a future with this man. He’s made me want to have children some day when I always swore I’d be happy as the aunt that travels and brings back cool gifts for her nieces and nephews. I can see myself marrying him, like literally I can picture the whole thing and how happy I would be to see him waiting for me at the alter in his dress blues 🤤😩. While obviously I’ve dated other people since meeting Cameron, I’ve never felt this way about anyone else. Am I crazy for thinking this is way?

I don’t mean to sound obsessed or whatever, and that’s what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid he’s going to see it that way. Or worse he’s going to tell me he loves me like a sister.

We haven’t met in person yet because as soon as he graduated high school last May, he shipped off to Army BCT, and I am still in my senior year of high school. Circumstances just haven’t allowed it yet. Since he’s living on a base now and can’t leave at his free will, we’ve talked about it and agreed that as soon as I can afford to do so, I will be traveling to see him. It’s only about 600 miles, that’s nothing to me.

I clearly want to at the very least try to be more than friends some day, when we’re both ready. There isn’t any rush for me. He’s my best friend. We’ve talked about this (sort of) before. He admitted to there being physical attraction but I didn’t want to push too hard so we didn’t get to the emotional part. Do y’all think he could feel the same way about me?

This is the person that I feel comfortable telling everything to. I don’t mind sending him selfies without makeup because I want him to see me for me. I don’t feel insecure with him. He makes me feel safe. He tells me jokes when I’m sad instead of saying “oh that’s rough, wyd tho”, he knows how to push all my buttons to piss me off and then what to say to calm me down. As irritating as it can be, he knows me as well as I know myself. He made me want to live when I thought I had no reason to. I owe him everything.