?? This is a long one🤷🏻‍♀️

Ok so I was talking to this guy (for a couple of months) and we ended up meeting up and started dating. He then moved in with me. He didn’t really have a place to stay. (We weren’t strangers btw just haven’t seen each other in years) Well during that time I had my first kiss and lost my virginity. I’m 18. It was also my first relationship as well. We were only together a week, after he got “what he wanted” he started trying to cause arguments and making comments about other females and how he’d “hit that” and just stuff like that. And he wanted me to be a secret. He didn’t want me talking to anyone else but thought it was ok for him to still text his ex that he loved her and who knows what else. He would go through my phone but didn’t want me to touch his. He’d say he loved me and all that but I think he was just saying it to get what he wanted. But after like a week I told him I didn’t wanna be with him if he wanted me to stay a secret and he was still gonna talk to his ex, and making comments about other females. So he left. It’s been about 3 weeks or so since but I can’t help but still get upset over it. I’ve finally opened my eyes a little bit and realized he was just using me and everything was lies. And idk what hurts more, like I’m just confused about it all.

*** I’m new to this app and I figured I’d give it a shot to post a story. And maybe get others thoughts and opinions on my situation and maybe some advice on how to move on. 😫 Sorry if the wording isn’t the best, my thoughts were all over the place while typing this.