Boyfriend boredom


So I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years, we see each other every day since we pretty much live together. Lately I have been getting super bored, all he wants to do when he’s not working/studying is play video games; which is totally fine with me and I get that he wants to just chill and I do too....sometimes. I have asked him time and time again “hey why don’t we go and do this on the weekend” or “do you want to watch a movie with me instead of playing games Rn?” And he never seems very enthusiastic about actually spending quality time with me, sometimes he will reply “you can watch something on the laptop if you want.” 😑 I get very worried that I am an annoyance to him, even though he reassures me that I’m not, and he’s just exhausted or what not. I told him when we first got together that my previous relationship didn’t work out because I enjoy going out and doing stuff but my partner didn’t and I eventually got bored and unhappy and his response was something like “ yeah that would be frustrating, if all you’re doing is watching movies and not doing any activities then there’s not much point being together” - this is exactly what is happening to us. I love him so much but it’s just frustrating feeling like I’m the only one putting any effort into this relationship, and feeling like he doesn’t really want to spend time with me. I understand that you don’t have to be having fun and out and about 24/7 in a relationship but we NEVER do anything anymore. I have told him how I feel but it always comes back to this same situation. Sorry for the rant gals but don’t really have anyone else to rant to 🤪

- Also when he’s not playing fkn games he is alwaysssss on his phone, like AL-WAYS. I’m on my phone a lot too mainly because he is usually gaming or on his so when I bring it up his response is “ you’re always on yours and I don’t get upset at you”. Ugh, I just feel like I’m more invested in this relationship than he is sometimes. 🙄