Please help

Raven • 23~sahm to a 2yr old girl~currently avoiding pregnancy~

Recently I have been feeling a lot of pelvic and abdominal discomfort in the past maybe 2 weeks and I have also been bloating like crazy

Last night my husband and I were having sex. It was okay at first and then all of a sudden my pelvic area and abdomen started aching and it got worse and worse. We stopped and took a break and went back at it and as soon as he entered me I stopped and was on the floor crying in pain. My vagina pelvic area and abdomen were on fire and a feeling of pain like I have never felt before. My back was also in pain and I felt a bit of pressure in my bum. I was not bleeding or anything just in a serious amount of pain. I almost went to the hospital but I did not want to wake up my 1yr old. After about an hour the pain started to dull a bit after I put a heating pad on my stomach but I still felt a discomfort and a tightness on my lower left side of my pelvic area and my vagina continued to feel sharp pains. I eventually was able to go to sleep to try and sleep it off but I woke up and still am having dull achy pains in my pelvic area. Has anybody experienced this or have any idea what could possibly be?