i forgot how to “like” people?? am i asexual?


hey! this might sound weird so bare with me.

i had many crushes in middle school, early high school and below. i would see a guy i found cute or attractive and instantly have a crush on him. like a schoolgirl kinda crush! infatuation and because of that i would daydream about him and stare at him whenever i saw him etc etc etc

but ever since 2 or 3 years ago, i haven’t found the ability to like someone. I’m really not sure what happened. I’ve met and gotten very close to people i find attractive who have even showed interest in a relationship, and yet i never find myself being attracted to anyone anymore?

like i can recognize that they are cute and good looking, and i really enjoy hanging out with them, but i never find myself having feelings of ACTUALLY liking them or wanting to date them. All of these boys have great personalities too, and we are usually good friends, so it’s not that we lack a friendship or emotional connection.

What is wrong with me? Am i asexual or something like that? :(