Need help please..conflicted

So I have a dilemma.. I am pan and currently in a relationship with a man whom I love to death, but I am struggling right now. I work with this girl and we instantly clicked, we have all the same things in common and never stop talking/texting (not flirting, just friendly talk getting to know each other.) I know she is pan too which makes things even worse because I love my bf to death, but I feel bad because I am starting to like this girl, and that’s not fair to my bf. I think it could be just a crush, but I don’t know and I feel bad even thinking about her in the way, since I have a bf. I know I can’t help how I feel but it’s tearing me up right now and I could use some advice. I also just found out today that a coworker of ours likes her too and he asked me to help see if they vibe and now I feel jealous about him liking her. This is a big mess and I could use some advice ladies. Thanks💕