Am I as bad of a mom as my father thinks

FTM. My son is walking freshly learned to walk sort of. So today he was waddling around and I was watching because he constantly is falling over but is surprisingly good at catching himself. But today went a little too close to the table where he walks to balance himself but he tripped and hit his head on the edge. no bleeding just bruising he cried hard obviously and while I was comforting him my father bombarded me with insults saying I shouldn’t have let him walk so close to the table how stupid I was and was trying to grab my son from me. Yet when my son got the chance to play with something he was fine talking and continued to walk around and drink water.

Back story is I’m only living with my father due to the fact I’m trying to save so that we can move to where my sons father is in California where he’s active duty in the marines just in case housing isn’t available.

Long story short I know babies fall all the time heck my sister fell and has gotten hurt worse and I have 4 other siblings I just don’t think I’m a bad mom. I just hope for maybe support and advice