Any advice/support?

I don't know where to go to not feel guilty about my decision. It was very unexpected and I'm still a little shook up that I had two positive pregnancy tests. I have PCOS and I know women can still get pregnant with it but through tests I got told I didn't ovulate and my boyfriend was convinced that he was 'shooting blanks' from a previous girlfriend when they couldn't get pregnant.

I feel like I can't talk to my mum about it as even though she's not fully against it, I know she'll be upset with me as she'd feel like I don't have valid enough reason to go through with an abortion. I'm 21, I'm in my 2nd year at uni and I feel like I'm a little mentally unstable to go through with pregnancy and I'm guessing I'm about 5-6 weeks and it's already made me bed bound and very ill. She said that to finish uni and my plan is to travel with my job afterwards and to go travelling with my partner, she would look after and raise the baby but I think that's pretty unfair on the first few years of the babies life, to not have its mother and father around and having my parents raising it.

I feel very all over the place and I never thought I'd have to go through this and I'm so scared, I feel horrible for saying that its the right choice for now and I'd hate it if this was my only chance.

Is there anyone out there that has gone through the process and anything they did to help them afterwards they could recommend?