‘In between’ clothing?

D • 30, UK 🇬🇧 Mama to a 34 week preemie 💙

So I’m massively struggling with clothing 😟

I’m soooo bloated and also I’ve put on weight (I think about half a stone during this first trimester)! My ordinary wardrobe is size 6-8 and NONE of it fits now... I’ve bought a few pairs of size 10 jeans lately and being honest they’re pretty tight too 😐 however maternity clothing is too baggy at the moment as I’m only 13 weeks!

What am I supposed to wear when I’m feeling all kinds of fat and unattractive, but I don’t have a baby bump to fit into maternity clothing!?

Any advice on what to buy / where from, my British mommas? I love my skinny jeans but ugh they’re so painful around the waist with all of this bloat 🤦🏼‍♀️

Help a girl out!!!