Need motivation!


Hey guys! So Long story short, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20 now I’m 26. Originally, years ago my doctor put me on metformin for the weight loss and BC for hormone replacement. Well because of the horrible side effects of metformin and BC I stopped taking both. But my period was still coming on its own. Fast forward to now, I am married to my husband, we’ve been together for 6 years and married for 2 and he is aware of the difficulties we will face with my PCOS.

Well now I have gained 30 pounds, And my hubby and I are talking about when we want to TTC which is approaching soon. So I’ve sucked it up and started taking metformin, and my OBGYN said I have to take the BC because I’ve been off it for

So long I need to get my estrogen back to normal, I can feel I’ve lost a few inches but nothing significant and I don’t eat as much as I used to, I haven’t been exercising tbh but my Dr. did say I need to lose a good 20-30 pounds before we start trying. So my question is do y’all have any advice, exercise tips diet tips, any supplements I should take in addition to what I am already taking now? I’m on BC, metformin 3 times day, and folic acid in the morning. Anything will help, I just need some encouragement and opinions from those who know the struggle. All of my friends are over here having kids like nothing and so it’s hard getting them to understand the difficulty I’m having!