This should be a happy Moment, but I'm terrified!


I wasnt expecting this. Yes we've been trying, yes I wanted this, but I seriously thought the test was just going to me me overthinking again.

I hadn't even planned the cute box of "look daddy I'm finally here" because I really expected a single line.

I took the 1st test because I've been havinh horrible cramps. So after two more tests it was time for a trip to the doctor. Because oh my goodness these cramps.

Honestly I don't know how to feel in this moment. I was so hyperventilatingly happy at the positive tests. But after my ultra sound the elation has turned to fear.

The good news is its not ectopic, or a blockage, but the doctor seemed so much less enthusiastic. Like she just didnt believe that I was anything other than the fat girl sitting in her office.

I'm disheartened. I'm scared and I think my two friends I've told are tired of my questions. I just hope this one sticks. PCOs made it this hard to conceive. I just want my little Aeomeba to be healthy and stick around for its questionable due date.