PPD has me feeling like I’m headed for divorce

I’ve been struggling for over a year now with Postpartum mood disorder and anxiety. I was on Zoloft but it made me manic and I didn’t like feeling out of control. My doctor won’t put me on a mood stabilizer until I’ve weaned my daughter and she’s nowhere close to ready. I’m struggling. I’m suffering. I’m a shell of the woman my husband fell for. He has PTSD and to be his safe place. Now I’m always agitated and yelling about something and it triggers his PTSD. He said he doesn’t even like being in our home because he feels so uncomfortable. I’ve tried my hardest to explain that these are symptoms of a serious illness and that it’s not really me just wanting to be a bitch all the time to my family. I know it isn’t an excuse either and I’m doing my best to control my temper and be a better wife. He just doesn’t make me feel like he gets it. Instead of showing a little empathy or compassion towards my struggles he tells me things like I’m the problem in our relationship. He makes me feel completely invalidated when it comes to my mental illness. It just feels like he’s already checked out. I don’t want to let this be the thing that destroys my marriage but I’m stuck. He doesn’t get it, he’s not trying to, and I’m very limited as far as seeking treatment for myself. I just want him to be the one who hugs me and kisses me when I’m feeling like a failure, not the one who confirms my biggest fears are true 😓😓