Does this happen to you too?

I’m 19. I got my first period at 14 ( I know hella late) . Anyways for the first time this year on January. I got my usual period but i also got “sick” I had a fever with body aches. I just figured I just so happened to gotten a cold or whatever during my period. My february period comes and same thing happens again! Terrible Body aches and a high fever ( 104.4). Ofc i went to the doctors. They did blood test/flu test and everything came back negative. They found nothing. So i was like, Ok i so happened to gotten sick during my period AGAIN. I am on my

march period now and guess what? Yep. Got my period and AGAIN i have painful body aches and a high fever! I feel awful. I also wake up drenched in sweat. Mind you that I rarely get sick!! I don’t know if it’s normal to get high fever during periods or its just me getting sick 3 times in the row when my periods comes. What do you think? Does this happen to you too?

Im not on any medication or birth control

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