I need to vent.

My in laws and husband absolutely piss me off. Let me start off by saying my daughter is beyond spoiled and we take extra measures to do that since she is the only child we will ever get to have. Well today my husband bought a truck. He was driving a 13 year old car and it was time for him to upgrade. Well when he told his parents his dad immediately said that we need to go buy our daughter something. A) we JUST bought a $1,600 swing set like yesterday! B) we deserve stuff too. Then my husband immediately comes to the defense of his parents saying they just want to make sure our daughter is getting taken care of... FIRST OFF ILL BE DAMED IF THIS LITTLE GIRL ISNT TAKEN CARE OF! They try to act like her parents and will even slip up and call each other mom and dad to MY daughter but to my husband they are perfect and do no wrong. In fact if I get upset at them I’m the one in the wrong to them. I literally cannot take it anymore. We are expected to spend every last penny on my daughter and we do spend a lot... transitioning her bedroom from a nursery to Disney themed toddler room alone was $5,600 feat. they are bossy and nosey and over bearing and my husband lets them. I did not spend 6 years of my life getting an MBA and a killer job to not give my kid everything and still have a comfortable life. 😡😡😡🤬