Can you asked to be induce?

Little back story my first was born at 35 weeks and he was born with an infection second was born at 33 weeks emergency c section due to going into early labour and her heart dipping. 3rd was born on due date induced as he stopped growing two weeks before (I was having growth scans)

First baby 4bl

Second 3bl

3rd 5bl

So this baby I'm 31 weeks have had no growth scans but I no he is small I can tell by how I'm carrying I don't have another midwife appointment till 1st April and I'll be 32 weeks 2 days and I'm sure she will measure my bump and send me for a growth scan. I just no my body. Anyways if baby is behind at that scam can't I just ask to be induce as surly he would be better off outside with the right help with all my previous you would think I'm a high risk but apparently I'm not.. first baby I had a placenta abruption.

Just feeling helpless