Prom help SOS

Kaden • 17 lifeguard with an amazing boyfriend

Ok so prom is this l Saturday and me and my boyfriend are on a party bus with 23 people and I’m excited but he isn’t he doesn’t want to go at all he’s fought me for the last 2 months about it and I don’t know what to do I’ve already paid for the bus and all the plans have been made he is just having anxiety about it and I understand because I have anxiety too but he’s also not doing anything to even try to cope he refuses to go to a therapist for help or a doctor to get prescribed something and I don’t know what to do I know I’m not supposed to share meds but honestly I just want to give him one of my anxiety meds to calm him down because it’s bad he gets angry and refuses to talk and I know it’s selfish but it’s my junior prom and I’m the Vice President of my class so I’m already doing a lot of stuff for the prom it’s self and I really just wish he could be the one thing not stressing me out rn but he’s stressing me out the most because we haven’t stopped fighting and I feel like we’re going to breakup Ive this but I don’t want to break up we’ve been together for almost 2 years and we’ve never fought as much as we have these last few months from dress color to the party bus to flowers to ties it’s everything and it just keeps getting worse the closer we get to prom what do I do help me please