Yes, I use a CHILD HARNESS!!!

I am SO sick of getting dirty looks from judgy moms because I use a harness for my son. I have very severe back issues and cannot physically carry my son, and I also can't lift my stroller out of the car any more. This means that when I am at a place with my toddler (less than 2 years old) I have to have a way to keep him near me. He is a runner, and disappears within seconds. I tried for so long to just hold his hand while we walk, but he thinks it is fun to go "limp noodle" and dangle, which is agony on my back! He loves the harness because he gets freedom to walk safely with me, and I love it because it puts no strain on my back. I wish other mothers would stop judging because honestly, they have no idea the circumstances of my decision to use a harness for my son.