Feeling good (yay!!)


I’ve been going to the gym for about 4 years now, but starting in the December I decided to take my workouts more seriously than before. My boyfriend is a competitive bodybuilder and was sick of me complaining about how I wanted to be fit (but not doing anything about it) so he finally told me months ago that I either need to do something about it or stop complaining. I took that pretty harsh at first but realized he was right. I complained constantly about wanting to be fit and have the body of my dreams but I was making excuses or doing light exercise. I’m finally starting to get a more rounded and toned booty, my obliques are defining out and my biceps/shoulders are looking good 🤗

I’ve been feeling more confident lately on my progress at the gym and I just wanted to share with some of y’all cause why not!

PS: Ignore my ugly face in the last photo 😂😂 flexing is harder than it seems