Jealous of Fortnite?


Maybe I’m overreacting but I’m over this damn game. Or maybe it’s my man? I’m annoyed. All he ever does is play this game. I come home from work, mind you he doesn’t work because he had cancer, and nothing was accomplished and there he is, yelling at a game. It wasn’t until after multiple arguments that my existence was finally acknowledged when I get home. Now the latest thing getting on my nerves is ITS ALL HE DOES. The only way to pull him away is if I’m laying in bed ready to do the nasty. Come on. I point it out, like oh? You remember when you would always get at me about being on my phone? Yeah this is your phone! You never show me attention. I get “This is different.. None of my ex’s are trying to talk to me on here” but you could? You talk to any and everyone on there with a mic. (A little back story to help you see my anger, hes about as jealous of a man as they get. And I believe it takes two to tango, If I don’t have to worry about you, I don’t have to worry at all. Well, I texted a guy friend who I was friends with before we were together while we were together and he accused me of cheating for saying heyyy with 3 Y’s! I dropped that friendship. We are engaged now, have been, his best man is a chick... yeah. Now fast forward towards now and there’s been arguments over me just bringing up guys (coworkers, talking about work) or me going out with certain girl friends. (Because they’re single and we partied hard before) Okay, so right fucking now he’s been playing the game since I woke up, and I have a decent memory, I like looking at the names of the people he plays with. Really because there’s not much else to do, if I use the internet while he plays he bitches at me about lack of WiFi for him. Anywho. He’s playing with the same person he has before, and they add friends that’s normal, but it’s a chick come to find out. I feel crazy but I’m mad. I want to cut into him. Like I really sit here either fighting for your time with this game (this random girl and guy you’re playing with) until I go to work, then come home, do the same thing and repeat? Really? Sorry for such a long post.. I’m just annoyed and have no one to vent to.