Not a huge deal but a bit annoying

I went to Disney and surprisingly it wasn’t as crowded as usual. I was walking down Pixar pier and the only ones there were me, a worker, and a guy with a mobility scooter. I was just strolling along thinking about what ride to get on next (mind you it wasn’t crowded and I wasn’t near the worker or the man on the scooter) and I hear him make a disgusted noise and say “I swear these people are in such a rush to get around ! Makes me sick” and I was confused because I just passed by him but didn’t go in front of him or anywhere near him just walked past going down towards the rollercoaster and then the worker chimes in “yeah these people are very inconsiderate, they just don’t care” I kept walking but it really annoyed me because I really don’t feel I did anything wrong ? I didn’t rudely rush past him, didn’t go in front of him, didn’t even really go near him at all for him to make comments about me let alone have the worker back him up. I didn’t know it was illegal to walk past people in Disneyland when there’s no huge crowd and weren’t being rude whatsoever. Ughh the joys of Disney.

Sorry just a rant