Standing up in crib sleep regression, HELP!

My 7.5m old daughter just learned how to pull herself up to standing. Although this is a great milestone, I am having a major issue already with her sleep.

As soon as I set her in the crib, she rolls over, crawls to the edge, and pulls herself up. She doesn't know how to get down safely yet, which we're practicing now, so she just cries and cries!

Last night was the first night of this, and I ended up nursing her to full sleep at 8pm. At 11pm, she woke up. I tried everything to get her to sleep, but even if she was fully asleep when I set her down, she'd get up as she hit the crib and would stand again! At 12:30, I decided to try cosleeping. That didn't work either, and she would try to stand on the headboard. Moved to the couch, she tried standing along the back of the couch. Rocked her more, nursed her more... 2am rolls around and I am having a total breakdown and end up putting her in the wearable carrier and bouncing her. She's overtired by now. Finally, around 3am, she gets back to sleep, but then she's sleeping in the carrier, so I slowly sat on the couch and lean back and slept sitting up until 6am (took me a while to fall asleep myself since it was super uncomfortable, so I probably had 2 hours of sleep). Tried putting her back in the crib, same story. Ran into my room and started bawling my eyes out and my husband finally took her.

Of course, he never does night wakings, and I'm a stay-at-home mom so he doesn't put her down for naps either. I end up waking up at 10:30am and ask him if she's had her morning nap, and the answer is "well, we went to the store and she slept in the car for like 10 minutes". Great, now she's gone another 4.5 hours without any quality sleep ... I get up, bounce her to sleep in the carrier again drinking my coffee, and she falls asleep from 11 to 12 while on me. Husband meanwhile puts the crib to the lowest setting.

I'm exhausted. I can't sleep either because I feel bad for her. I just tried putting her for a nap in the crib again because shes obviously still exhausted too. I don't know what to do. 😭😭😭

I know this is a phase, but I'm at a loss and it's only day 1! I've looked online and some people say to put her back down every time, even if it takes 50 times. Some say go in ever 5-10 minutes. Some say let her cry and work it out on her own... I don't know what is right. She needs to sleep. I need to sleep. I can't function on 2 hours a night. 😓