Should We Be Concerned?


Okay ladies I need some genuine opinions and/or advice on my 5 year old (almost 6). I have noticed a lot of strange behavior from her over the years and was waiting for her to outgrow these behaviors but that doesn’t appear to be happening. And now that I have a 1 year old as well I’m starting to see how different she is more and more.

I want to list some of the behaviors and things that stand out to me so you know what I’m talking about.

1. Tells me that she doesn’t feel real or she feels like she is watching herself from outside of her body. Says this more and more the older she gets.

2. Has trouble making decisions for herself or doing things by herself. Example: Wants me to tell her what she should play with or what she should do. She doesn’t like to play alone at all and never has. My 1 year old is more independent than she has ever been.

3. Has poor memory and concentration. She can’t remember rules that she is reminded of everyday for her whole life. She normally can’t remember the fun things we did that day or what she ate that day. Example: We took her to Disney on Ice and then when her grandma asked her about it the next morning she had completely forgotten (or at least pretended to).

4. Has poor basic life skills. She only likes a few types of foods and eats extremely slow, she doesn’t drink anything all day unless told to (even if it’s her favorite drink), and she stills poops in her panties.

5. Her language skills seem to be deteriorating. She takes a long time to explain something to me and normally stutters a lot and says it in a way that I basically have to decide what she’s saying. (This isn’t always a problem but it is pretty often. This one may be completely normal. I’m not sure...)

6. Tells lies. I know all kids tell lies but she’s a big liar and no matter how many times she gets in trouble for it she doesn’t stop. And it’s over important things too. Example: she told her dad I hit her one time and it was completely untrue. Example 2: she told me that her dad didn’t feed her or take care of her at all while I was at work but he had sent me multiple pictures on SnapChat of him and her eating, playing, etc. throughout the day.

7. Kindergarten is almost over and she still can’t read. Her standardized test scores are getting lower and lower as the year goes on. Her teacher says she’s doing good but can’t seem to remember material even if they just went over it. We work with her at home a lot but she doesn’t seem to be retaining the information well.

Honestly I could go on and on but I don’t want to make this post any longer than it is. I’m starting to become really concerned about her behavior but whenever I ask other people that are in her life they say they don’t notice this stuff. I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or if she really isn’t “normal”. Please no hate or judgement on me. I’m just a concerned mom looking for advice from other mommas.

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