2 year old locked me outside the house

Casandra • 21 Mommy to a boy named Cristiano😇

Boyyy!!! Today didn’t start off too good. So I’m at my boyfriends house and it’s just me and my son. He had taken a shit so I told him to wait on the couch while I put out the garbage. As I close the door I hear the lock click. So I’m like in major panic mode. I tried every single window, nothing was opening. My next option was go to a neighbour and use their phone to contact my boyfriend for him to come unlock the door. So I went to the house across and I’m knocking and this lady comes to the door but DOESNT open it. As she’s talking to me through her door she asks me what I want I told her that my 2 year old son locked the door on me and I need a phone to call my boyfriend and she looks at me and laughs and proceeds to walk away from the door. I’m like okay is this bitch really not gonna help a panicked mother that has her 2 year old in the house all by himself. She sees me in tears and shaking like a motherfucker. So I ran to the next house and finally someone gives me a phone (10 mins in) so I’m calling my boyfriend and nothing, no answer so my dad was like you know what, it’s time to kick some windows open. In my head I’m thinking, yeah right I can’t kick a window open I’m not strong enough. Finally after 10 hard kicks the lock inside pops off and my whole body flies through the window and my fat ass falls on the floor so I’m crying and shaking cause my leg is torn to shit, I’m worried about how I’m gonna find my son upstairs. SO MANY thoughts going through my mind. So I run upstairs to find my son on the couch watching tv and eating his chips. I ran to him and held him in my arms for 10 mins crying and kissing him. As I finally calm down he looks at me and says “mommy I locked the door on you, I saw you running like Dash outside” anyways now I know to NEVER leave the house even if it’s to go right in front. I’m so happy my baby is okay. I love that little asshole so much I just can’t believe it