Need advice!!! ( a bit long, but please read!)

L 💕✨ • 🌈 💚 Momma to Nora 01.15.19 | Baby Brother coming 11.17.2022 🐻💙

So my baby girl is perfect and my husband and I are so in love and obsessed with her!!

My issue that I need advice for is two-fold:

—She seems to be a big mommas girl right now and has been since she was born. Which I love because I just can’t get enough of her! 🥰 She is also exclusively breastfed. I love nursing her and get jealous when my hubby occasionally gives her a bottle. So the issue is that since she was born she is so far not a huge fan of daddy. She likes him fine but when it comes to the big upsets where she is screaming and crying, all she wants is momma. I know he desperately wants to spend time with her and bond with her and it hurts his feelings that she seems to not like him (his words not mine!). She is fine with him as long as momma is nearby but if I leave the house or sneak off to shower or something, she will just cry and cry. What can we do?? I want her to be able to be with her daddy and not be upset if I’m not around! I know he wants this so badly too! Any advice??

—My second concern is that I will be returning to work in a few weeks and she will be going to daycare. She will be 4 months old a week after she starts. I am absolutely dreading being away from her and I am super worried she will be upset all day until I pick her up! Plus she will be taking bottles of breastmilk all day while she’s there and I worry about how she will do. She has done fine so far, but she definitely prefers the breast. She has only been away from us for a few hours while we had a date night when she was a month old and she did fine with my MIL who watched her. I am just needing advice from mommas who have maybe experienced something similar before! How can I make the transition to daycare as smooth as possible and how can I not spend all my time at work worrying about her?? (Also, it’s not possible for me to be a SAHM right now because I bring in the majority of the household income). Please help a momma out!!

Here is my angel just because she’s beautiful 😍