My birth story


Tuesday afternoon 26.3.19 I go into my hospital to be induced with the tape. I got there at 2pm and finally had finished being assessed by 5pm to be told I was already 2cm dilated and to come back at 6am the following morning to have my waters broken.

Wednesday morning 27.3.19 I arrive at the hospital at 6am. Get hooked up, baby is looked at and all is a go. At 6.45am my waters were broken and at 7.15am the drip was started.

Everything was going smoothly, had mild cramping but nothing too bad, after about an hour and a half the contractions really came in full force! I am practically begging for the epidural. After what felt like an eternity the anesthesiologist arrives, but with little confidence inserts the epidural.. it failed. THE EPIDURAL FAILED!

I should add, during this time on and off at each contraction was the strongest urge to push and so I kept doing just that. I had to really concentrate because with the pushing to early my cervix was starting to swell and things weren't looking so great.

it's 12.45pm now and still no pain relief besides the gas, the anesthesiologist managed to get a spinal block in which stopped with the urges to push but didn't take any of the pain away.

1.30pm rolls around and a 2nd epidural is inserted which actually did something!! YAAYAYA! I could finally relax now.. so I thought.. my son's heart rate had plummeted and wasn't coming back up, I was still no where near pushing him out so I was rushed for an emergency c section.

Everything happened so quickly I didn't know they started cutting me until I heard a baby cry.. at 2.31pm my beautiful baby boy was born, weighing 7p 5oz (3330g) and is just perfect.

Me, I'm a bit worse for wear, but I'm so happy my son was gotten to in time!