Daycare abuse



In my small Alabama town there has been a commotion started involving what is supposedly the two best daycare's in our county (They are owned by the same people).

Evidently a child under the age of two who has CP was smacked in the face by a caregiver for biting them

Evidently the woman who informed the parents of the incident was fired, while nothing happened the offender.

With this being brought to light about 6 other ex-workers (and some parents) have come forward to shed light on the abuse they witnessed, despite being threatened with legal action.

There are other comments but they involve pictures of children who have been hurt so I don't feel comfortable posting them. The comments mention one child having their head busted open, another about a child "escaping" and being found next to the highway.

I of course believe these employees and would remove my child ASAP if they went to either of these institutions.

However there are some current employees claiming that everything has been said is a lie, and some parents are wondering why the care givers didn't come forward sooner.

So what's your opinion on this? (If money wasn't an issue) Would you leave your child there, and wait until there's more evidence or the place is possibly shut down? Or would you pull your child??