My 2.5 yr old daughter 🤦‍♀️🙄🤷‍♀️😭


My daughter is 2.5, 3 at the end of June. The last few weeks her attitude and meltdowns have been at a whole new level and I’m at a loss. She’s making me feel like I screwed up and am a terrible mom. I don’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to share, will be mean to her 14 month old brother, hold him down/take toys. Doesn’t listen to us and will do something on purpose just to see if we will get mad, at least I think. Last night she was helping with laundry and decided to throw the socks and underwear on the floor, then refused to pick them up.

This is all probably normal behavior for a 2.5 yr old but I’m at a lost on how to respond. Whenever she gets any punishment these days she starts yelling, whining, hitting and kicking. Whether it be time-out (which she refuses to sit in, so I spend the whole three minutes making her) take a toy away, try to reason with her, I’m embarrassed to even say we’ve tried spanking.

I’m feeling like we messed up with her with are parenting and idk what to do. Some mornings before work and the evenings feel like a constant battle with her.

I’m just looking for suggestions on disciplining and trying to deal with this strong willed toddler of mine.