So i need help- Long post


My husband's 5 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, and brief psychotic disorder. Last Thursday night he tried to stab and kill his 3year old brother while at his mom's house and his psychologist had him committed for being homicidal. Now, he's saying he won't come over here and he told his therapist that the voices in his head are telling him to hurt and kill his other siblings (My other step daughter and my two children who live with us 100% of the time). His therapist is saying he wants him to be at one household right now and basically monitor him to make sure he's not hurting anyone but we are supposed to have him this weekend according to our time sharing schedule which is in place and we are legally obligated to take him. My husband still wants to, but I'm so scared of him coming here because he's had a history of strangling my step daughter, has punched MY daughter in the face three times, and slapped my 1 year old son in the face when he was only 4 months old. We've been doing the therapy thing, he's gone on a couple different kind of meds in the past year and a half and was doing great until his dumbass mother decided to take him off the last one and not even a month later this shit happens. I'm so confused and scared for my children because I HAVE to protect my kids but I also can't make my husband choose either. We have no other options and we don't know what to do. Hell I don't even know what to do. Has ANYONE dealt with this and can give me advice?