I need advice!!

I have been with the same man for 2 years. He has a 5 y/o daughter. I adore her and she adores me, but there are a few things that bother me. Neither my boyfriend nor his daughters mom makes her have a set bedtime. They allow her to watch videos on YouTube until she finally falls asleep on the couch in the LIVING ROOM, which sometimes ends up being 12 at night. His daughter also cries and whines if he won’t lay beside her the WHOLE time until she’s asleep, which would be fine if it wasn’t usually from 8pm to at least 10pm. When he’s trying to get her to go to sleep, him and I don’t speak. He lays with her and she watches her videos and I’m just there. It drives me crazy because we get no adult time together at the end of the day and we barely have alone time during the week because we have her during the day and he works night shift. When she does fall asleep, he puts her in her own bed, but she always wakes and gets into ours. She is a crazy sleeper. She kicks, punches, and turns sideways which always results in either me or him having to get out of the bed and go to the couch. We don’t have date nights because we get her on the weekends so we are not getting any alone time. I feel as though at night on the weekends, she should have a reasonable bed time where she is put into her own bed. I also feel like he should be moving her back into her own bed when she tries to get into ours in the middle of the night. How do I talk to him about this and what do I say? I feel like us not getting any alone time is putting a damper on our relationship.