Baby died at 38 weeks πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜”πŸ˜­ thinking maybe catscan was the reason

Dont know what i did to desereve all this or maybe it was me that kill my perfect baby i feel so gulity that i was the one because of my carelessness my beautiful and perfect baby died .

Around 34 weeks i started having pain around my right rib excruiting rib pain like it would get so bad it resulted in so many er visits my obgyn couldnt figure out what is causeing it she just told me that maybe my baby is just pushing on my right side of rib cage .and i was high risk because of gestational diabetes but it wasnt that high i was taking glyburide and diet controlled so fast forward to 36 half weeks the pain would get so bad sometimes that i couldnt sleep .so we go to the er which was thurs night and they tested me for blood clotting disorders my one of blood levels was high so they suggested catscan to avelliate if there are any blood clots they did cover me with sheets i felt so bad after that that what if someting happens to baby but doctors assured me that am further along and the risk is really low fast forward to monday appointment with high risk obgyn they would twice a week nsts on me so that day the baby heartbeat was not good but not too bad moniter would start beeping really loud but nurse assured me everything is fine and baby stabilized and then on my thursday appoinment everything was fine on 31st march saturday night my baby didnt move for 4 to 5 hours his movement really slow down then i slept woke up sunday baby not moving i brushed it off maybe am having little contractions that why hes not moving passed my mucus plug too thats why hes not moving told my husband he didnt move whole sunday night i was worried to my stomach i didnt slept thinking have an appoinment at 10 on monday 1 april thats where the ultrasound tech told me baby has no heartbeat and send me to hospital for induction mind you i was in early labour they have no space in land d so they told me to come back at 2 april tuesday .

On tuesday afternoon at noon around 3 they inserted foley balloon i was 1cm dialted on my own around 8 i was fully dialated to 10 the contractions was night mare no breaks in between with only foley my body started dialting no pitocin .

Around 9 50 on 2 april i give birth to my beautiful baby boy he was so perfect so handsome πŸ˜’πŸ˜­πŸ˜”

Please am telling my story that because of may carelessness and doctors my baby died we killed him 😭😭😭 he was stressed but my doctor neglected after 10 days of ct scan and after 5 days of me having nst in which he was little stressed my baby died i have all signs of that something is not well but i was so dumb .

We didnt do any autopsy on him so we will never know for sure what was the cause of his dead he passed meconium too in amnitoic sac maybe that was the reason he getted infected or what .

Baby Abdullah

Born on 2nd april 2019

6 lbs 2oz πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

I loved him i tried getting pregnat for 2 half years


this passing time has been really hard for me and my husband

Thank you all of you who sended their condolecnes and prayers

Today we buried him his tiny grave