Think I’m pregnant


Hey again so I said I would get back to you guys on how I was doing. if you guy are new previously I’ve been trying to get pregnant.Me and my boyfriend have been going out for some time and I feel like I am ready we have already have our mind set for our wedding and everything so this is a planed pregnancy for all you guys who are wondering.So last time I had intercourse with my bf the day after my period and every Wednesday and Thursday. I started to have some pregnant symptoms I start getting headaches which I usually don’t get. Then I start to be very tired everyday after school I would sleep 3pm to 7am in the morning non stop and when I would wake up I would feel even more tired . I started to crave more food I would Usually eat 1 serving of food I’ve been now eating 2+ serving which is not normal . I started putting on more weight I usual to weight around 120 now I’m weighting close to 139 lb I’ve been feeling sick in the morning not throwing up but very sick to my stomach and all of the sudden I feel sick nose runny and everything and I don’t know if the weather because it’s been like 70 degrees outside which usually people don’t get sick but I don’t know . this week was my period .I have the app flow it said my period was supposed to start Monday and kept getting pushed back yesterday was supposed to be my period and It never happen I’m two day late I’m wondering if I should take a pregnancy test ? Most people say wait 5 day but I’m wondering if there’s a way it would tell me this early .if u guy can give me info and tip of what I should do comment thanks 🤗