Do I say something again?


My baby boy turned 2 yesterday!!! I took him to the Children's Museum to celebrate in the morning at 9:30. My mom met us there at 11 (she had some kind of melt down and panic attack and was late- typical). She and I don't get along and she is pretty toxic, suffers from borderline personality disorder. My doesn't see her often because of all this. Anyway, when she showed up and sat next to him at lunch she completely ignored me saying hello and asking how she was. She tried to talk to my son and he looked down and away from her. She looked at me with her bitchy face and said, "If he cries, I'm leaving". As in, if he cries at the sight of her, she will leave. I told her "You cannot say that in front of him" and she ignored me. The whole situation is pissing me off today. Should I say something to her again and explain why she can't say those things in front of him? She also needs to treat me with respect in front of him. I am raising a compassionate, respectful child and I don't want her messing it up. Thanks for your input.

Edit: this is what I thought about saying.

" I don't think you heard me yesterday when I told you you can't say things like "If he cries, I'll leave" in front of Finley. Saying things like that will teach him that if he shows emotion or is scared people that should love him will leave him. You also can't ignore me or be rude to me in front of him. He is old enough to catch onto peoples actions and emotions. Yes you raised three children, but if I want to make sure his mouth isn't on the water fountain (it was a subconscious reaction) I can do that, it's my job to do that. Treat me how ever you want without him around, but he will not see hostility and rudeness between us. "