Should I go or stay at home?

A few weeks ago, I bought tickets as a 9 year anniversary gift for my guy and I to see our favorite band. Now we are fighting and on the edge of breaking up (he says he doesn't know if he wants to or not) because I lightly tapped his face to get him to stop screeching in my ear. (Imagine something like this

He knows that just grates my nerves and he did this off and on in the car for while as I was asking him to stop before reaching over. Usually when he does this I lightly hit the back of his head and he usually stops, and I am not sure why I hit the face as it is the first time in 9 years I have ever done that. I IMMEDIATELY apologized and said I should have never hit your face. We talked for a minute and everything seemed fine. When I got home from a bridal shower that night, we made dinner, laughed and joked around before I went to bed.

2 hours after I fell asleep, he comes into the bedroom and is screaming and yelling saying " **, wake up. I'm coming to bed. Talk to me til I fall asleep." He has a habit of waking me up whenever he is bored no matter what time it is. I'm exhausted and say not now. He continues and I am remember begging him to let me sleep and please just be quiet. The next morning I wake up, and "apparently" I tried to hit him in the face again. I know I was slapping his shoulder to make him stop, but that is usually what I do when he does this.

I know people are going to say "Well, you should not have hit him." He has always liked for me to cause him pain. I have gone months without doing this and he always asks if I am mad saying, "Is everything okay? You have not hit my shoulder in a while?" And when I do, says "Ahhh, it's like a little massage." I'm not trying to make an excuse, because I know I was in the wrong to hit him at all. It is something that I have been trying to cut out of my life as a person as it is not healthy for me even if he does like it.

It has been a week of the silent treatment, so last night I tried to talk to him and clear the air. He said some really hurtful things about things that happened over 7 years ago and nothing to do with what the issue is now. Things that he has promised to never bring up again because we had a long talk about it and I thought we had cleared the air after the last argument. We had a break up for about 4 months in 2012 and we both slept with other people. But I am always the only one having it thrown back in my face whenever there is any argument.

The tickets are non-refundable. I have asked him numerous times if he still wants to go, but he keeps saying no. He does not want to go see his favorite band with me. But that I could go if I wanted to without him. He asked me to ask other people to go with me. Or to give the tickets away, which I would if I did not have to show my ID at will call.

My question.. Should I just go to the concert alone? And have a great time? Or stay here with him? He is refusing to talk to me at all and if I do he just tells me to "Stop Fing talking to him."