Switching days


Getting ready for my 4th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>

Previously we did 2.5 mg Letrozole

for two cycles and last time 7.5 mg on CD 5-9. I did try clomid my first time but ovulated too early so we couldn't get <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> done that month. Second time on clomid <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> failed and thinned lining

This time we are doing days 3-7. Has anyone had success switching days? We will be triggering as well. I was told last time that i didn't need to use opks because of triggering. But i can't help but think that something timing wise isn't adding up as it hasn't taken yet. All tests have come back clear and donor has been switched. I ovulate on my own. Long story short.... success on switching days of cycle and should I still test using opks even though i will be triggering. Hope that all makes sense! Thank you.