Need encouragement

I was seeing this guy for quite sometime. We were both certain that we’d get married at some point but long story short, after a series of events in my life, I decided to renew my faith and live a life obedient to God. I told him I couldn’t continue having sex before marriage and he decided to end things coz in his words “ ....I’m still young, energetic and horny...” It’s hard but I just could not continue living having sex before marriage and claim to be a follower of Jesus. Sometimes I feel like I have moved on but sometimes I feel so alone coz he was my best friend and we were dating for seven years. I am a loner with bad social anxiety and its so hard for me to even make friends and sometimes I just have to remind myself that I have Jesus on my side and I’ll be ok. Anyway, sorry for the long post. Just really needed some encouraging words.