Need some hope


DH and I started TTC exactly one year ago. We got pregnant for the first time on try #5 and learned at our first ultrasound at 9 weeks that we’d had a missed miscarriage. Embryo only measured 6.5. I took misoprostol to pass it. We got a BFP again a month later but the line got fainter and I got my period just a few days late. Then two cycles later, another strong BFP, got my levels checked right away and they looked good but I started bleeding at just five weeks and lost that one too. Now we are seeing a specialist, and he is concerned about the thinness of my lining. And quite frankly, so am I. I have noticed that at least since my first miscarriage my periods are much shorter and lighter, and just different altogether. I’ve been doing acupuncture weekly, taking all the supplements to rebuild it, etc. but this period that I just had lasted only a day and a half. How am I ever going to sustain a pregnancy? Why is this happening to me? Anyone with a story similar to mine end up having a successful pregnancy? Really in need of some hope.