Really really bad day


6 days late for period negative beta , negative urine, my uterus retroflexed in the last 4 months, 1 simple cyst which is 4cm ( bigger than it was 4 months ago 2.5cm) a tiny uterine fibroid, no right Fallopian tube, 10.7mm endometrium and 5 cycles failed. I’m in a dark place of feeling like I’m worthless. I don’t know what I can do anymore to try to get my fertility back. People keep telling me to be thankful for the two children I have but what they don’t understand is I am thankful for the kids I have it’s just my vision of not being able to have more that aches my heart.

So many family members pregnant or just had baby’s yet here i sit with an empty womb at 26 years old with the most loving and supporting man whom wants to be a father🥺